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I help people who want more confidence & success learn to communicate honestly and effectively to live the life of their dreams!

Videos can broaden your client reach and increase your conversion rate by 80%.

It so crucial to be able to connect on camera and make great videos because  Videos are your BUSINESS CALLING CARD, and when you authentically connect through those videos, you don’t just gain clients, you gain RAVING FANS!

So, Are you ready to skyrocket your business to the next level by being Confident on Camera?

  • Ready to create 1-on-1 personal connections in your business?

  • Ready to Learn how to make effective videos?

  • Ready to build a broader reach for your business?

  • Ready to move past what’s holding you back from being on camera?

  • Ready to elevate your brand beyond logo and pictures through your authentic personality?

  •  This simple and intuitive process will move you from dreading getting on camera, to feeling ready to get on camera!


Hi, I’m Renée Marino

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Communication Coach, Author, Broadway & Film Actress Veteran

With seventeen years of experience as a professional Broadway and Film actress working with the biggest names in the film industry, in addition to being interviewed on thousands of virtual and live stages, I understand the power of knowing how to connect on camera.

The Virtual World is here to stay, so if you cannot authentically connect on camera, then you will not be able to create relationships with your clients or co-workers, and your business will suffer!

"Learning how to be your authentic self on camera is a MUST, not an OPTION." 

You are not Alone...

Here’s the truth: I wasn’t always comfortable on camera, so I understand the feelings of anxiety, and fear when you think about being on video. 


I was once being interviewed on video, and the second I was asked about myself, my mind went blank, my mouth went dry, and my heart began racing. 


I went off on tangents trying to find the right words to speak, and when I walked out of the room that day, I felt completely disappointed with myself.  Do you know the feeling?


This propelled me to take course after course from “techniques on camera,” to “be natural on camera,” to “be one with the camera,” and what I gained was more frustration, because the fear didn’t subside. Until one teacher said something to me that changed everything.  


Once I heard these words, and combined them with a structured process, magic happened. (The funny thing is, later down the road, those same exact words were repeated to me by a famous mentor of mine, which I’ll tell you all about when we work together.) 


This magic is what I am so excited to share with you in my workshop course. 

After taking this course you will be able to:

  • Connect with your customers through the power of great videos.

  • Share your message with the Virtual World.

  • Attract clients by being confident in your authentic self.

  • Know how to transform from judging yourself on camera, to loving yourself on camera. 

  • Break free from anything that holds you back. 

  • Get your Energy on Fire, and ready to tackle your video.

  • Gain the technical tools of how to film clear and effective videos, right from the comfort of your home, even if you’re on a budget. 

  • Know exactly what to do when the camera goes on.

  • Understand the technique of how to watch your videos back without judging yourself.

  • Learn practice tactics that you can do anywhere, anytime!

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What the Program Is

You’re being taught by an expert who was trained by one of the biggest names in the film industry, in her past career of seventeen years as a professional actress on Broadway and in film. She has spent years developing the skill of being comfortable on camera through her constant training, and her endless experience on video, whether for film, television, or for live and virtual interviews. 


In addition, her ability to connect on camera is what landed her onstage as a co-host of Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi’s first-ever virtual World Summit. 


Live 3-hour course: 

Remember: Time is money, and money is time. This workshop is ONLY 3 hours! Yes-3 hours. And LIVE! This means, not only are you not having to wait 6 months to learn a skill to skyrocket your business, but you’re doing it without having to watch a pre-recorded video on your own. This is broken down into 6 sections.

Value: 1,997.00

A VIP Pass into my Personal Videos:

This is part of the Live course that includes videos from one of the biggest virtual stages in the world, as well as live videos that I created on my own. We will watch and discuss each video, where I will give you the inside scoop, of what I was feeling, and thinking at those moments, to show you that YOU.ARE.NOT.ALONE.

Even those who are experts are IMPERFECT and you will see this first-hand!

Value: 247.00

Advice from a Master

Advice from a Master: You will receive the game-changing advice that I received from a legend in the film industry. I will share the stories and experiences from on-set, that changed my life, and gave me the fuel to pivot my career, and start my own company.  



Technical Elements PDF:

This document will save you hours of time that you would spend on searching what lighting tools you need, comparing prices, and reading reviews. I have done the research and spent the time to give you this tool, so you can simply click on the link and purchase. (No time wasted or stress necessary.)

Value: 39.97

Video Preparation Checklist

This PDF serves as your video-creating reminder, anytime you’re making a video. Instead of having to remember all of these points, you can look right down at this document. This saves you the mental space to focus on getting your energy up and connecting authentically.

Value: 49.97


Becoming a Master Communicator Facebook Group:

Having a safe space to practice your videos, amongst like-minded individuals who are striving for the same goal-to become comfortable on camera-is extremely valuable. Accountability is one of the most CRITICAL components of implementing and maximizing the tools that you learned. 

Value: 197.00

Vocal Warmup:

Let’s face it, when we are on video, we need our message to be heard. As a trained professional singer for my entire life, I understand the necessity for a vocal warmup anytime you’re speaking or singing for an important purpose.  This quick and fun warmup is another tool in your toolbox for getting yourself prepared to connect with your consumers.

Value: 57.00

Breathing Lesson:

Need to add your breathing portion to the course

Value: 47.00


Special Discounts for Community:

As members of my community, you will always be the first to know of upcoming courses, etc., therefore get a discounted rate!

Worksheets to Keep your Mindset on Track:

“I Claim Statements” Worksheet-that allows you to DECLARE that what you desire is yours!"

“The Power of Connecting on Camera.” Worksheet-Gives you a place to track your next six videos, and write down a deadline to hold yourself accountable!

Mindset and Master Communication Journal:

For the 1st 10 people who sign up, I’d like to help serve you in starting your new year off right, by offering you my brand-new 33 Day Challenge Soft Copy Journal created by Deva Neely and myself. It’s called, “Mindset and Communication Mastery Journal,” with different writing prompts to keep you communicating with the most important person every morning – Yourself ☺ All you will have to handle is the shipping cost. 

How the Workshop is Laid Out:

Zoom Workshop

This Live 3 hour workshop will be on Thursday, February 4, 2020 at 2pm est over Zoom.

The course is broken up into 6 different sections: 

  1. What holds you back

  2. Preparation before Filming 

  3. Technical Side of Filming

  4. Filming Time

  5. After Filming

  6. Practice Makes Progress

Video Feedback from Renée:

 Included in your package is the opportunity to create a video, and send it to me for feedback. This video needs to be sent within 2 weeks after the Zoom Follow up. (The reason why, is because the sooner you do this right after the course is complete, the more likely you are to solidify what was just learned, and authentically connecting on camera will become your new normal.) 

One Week Follow up Zoom Check in:

Then, after the course is complete, you will get an email with another Zoom Link for the following week on Thursday, February 11, 2020 at 2pm.


During the one hour Live Zoom session, we will come back together to answer questions, share breakthroughs, and go back over anything that needs a refresher. 

Once you sign up, you will immediately receive an email with the Zoom link, as well as your PDF’s and the Facebook group included with the course. *Make sure to join the Facebook group right away.

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  • Could you help me even if I shake every time the camera turns on?
    Yes, and you are not alone in this. Many of my clients have this same struggle and this is why we address this in the workshop.
  • Can you guarantee that doing your workshop will skyrocket my business?
    I can assure you that what you learn through this workshop will provide you the tools to skyrocket your business, but how effective you are comes down to how much you practice these tools and implement them into your videos.
  • How come this workshop is only 3 hours?
    Because if you’re anything like me, you’re aware that getting on video is a MUST today, and forever. I wanted to create a value-packed workshop that could save my clients time, and energy, so they could begin to Master this skill right away. Forbes stated, “HubSpot found that 54% of customers prefer to see videos, over other marketing tactics, from the brands they support.” So, why not be able to authentically connect on camera sooner than later?
  • Can this Workshop help me even if I hate the way I look on Camera?
    YES, and YES! One of the hardest things to do in regards to video is to see and hear yourself, so I provide a strategy for this.
  • Will this help me when my mind goes blank, every time I go to film?"
    Yes, this workshop will help with that. We will identify the root cause of this, and give you the tools to tackle this.
  • Who this course is NOT for?
    Someone looking to learn about editing videos, adding graphics, or captions. This workshop is not for someone looking to find out the newest and most high-tech cameras, lenses or lighting equipment. It’s all about strategy, not about the tactics. Remember, the Virtual World is Here to Stay, so don’t waste anymore time! Invest in yourself and your business by Learning a skill that is a MUST-Connecting on Camera!
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